Provincial Integration Forum to meet
St. Patrick’s Donaghmore will host all members of the GAA family of Games on the Tuesday 9th November when the Provincial Integration Forum takes place. This is the fourth year that such an event has been held in Ulster, allowing the officers of each County board to meet and review progress on this core area of development.
The key elements of integration – co-operation, communication and strengthening relationships will be at the forefront of the evening, where attendees will hear perspectives from the Provincial Chairs of all codes on progress to date. Further to this there will be a review of the process since it began in 2006, looking at how the initiative has evolved and allowed the Associations in Ulster to move towards the Confederation model.
Additionally the evening will also allow for officers from all of the Ulster Counties to share their experiences and discuss best practice in areas such as Coaching and Games; Fixtures; Financing and Communications.
It is anticipated that the evening will consolidate the solid foundations upon which the Integration process has been built upon in Ulster and provide a platform for further good work across the Province.