Gaelscoil Éanna: De réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin
‘An Ghaelscoil is mó fáis in Éirinn’ a cuireadh ar Ghaelscoil Éanna lá den tsaoil. Osclaíodh an scoil in 2007, agus ní raibh ach deichniúr in rang a haon an t-am sin. Is cinnte nár thuig na daltaí sin gurb iadsan croílár na hiarrachta a rinne an pobal áitiúil, agus tugadh aitheantas oifigiúil don bhunscoil in 2008.
Once heralded as ‘the fastest growing Gaelscoil on the island’, when the doors of Gaelscoil Éanna first opened in September 2007 the first class of 10 pupils would have been totally unaware of the significant journey the local community had been on to get them to this point.
Bunaíodh Naíscoil Éanna in 2004, agus is cothrom a rá nach furasta próiseas na forbartha ó naíscoil chuig Gaelscoil. Ní fhaightear saill gan saothrú, dar ndóigh. Tá torthaí na hoibre agus na muiníne seo iontach go deo soiléir: tá 196 dalta in Gaelscoil Éanna i láthair na huaire, agus 30 sa naíscoil.
After the successful opening of a Naíscoil three years previous, it is fair to say the natural evolution to opening the Gaelscoil was far from smooth. Having been caught up in legal wrangling and political squabbling for over a year, eventually the go ahead was given to open in the autumn of 2007. From that modest first intake, Gaelscoil Éanna now has 196 pupils with a further 30 enrolled in the Naíscoil.
Is í Maighréad Ní Chonghaile príomhoide na scoile, agus Gaelscoil Éanna anois faoina treoir. Tá curaclam cruthaithe ag foireann na scoile a chothaíonn forbairt na bpáistí agus an Ghaeilge mar bhunchloch na forbartha sin. Tá tábhacht na teanga fite fuaite le cultúr na tíre, leis an cheol, leis an spórt agus leis an dráma. D’fhéadfaí a mhaíomh gur fhág na naisc atá cruthaithe ag an scoil leis an chlub áitiúil go háirithe, a rian ar an phobal áitiúil.
Now under the guidance of Principal Maighréad Ní Chonghaile, the dedicated staff at Gaelscoil Éanna have designed a curriculum that nurtures the development of all children based around the Irish language but combined with Irish culture, music, sport and drama. And it is the links made through sport, particularly with the local Naomh Éanna GAA club, that have probably left the biggest mark on the local community.

The then Education Minister, John O’Dowd, officially opening of new accommodation for Gaelscoil Éanna, an Irish-medium primary school in Glengormley. The ceremony was also attended by legendary GAA commentator, Micheál O Muirecheartaigh, a former teacher with a keen interest in Irish-medium education.
Ó bhí tús an turais seo ann, bhí CLG Naomh Éanna agus Gaelscoil Éanna ag obair as lámha a chéile. Tháinig bláthú iontach ar líon na ndaltaí thar na blianta, agus is de bharr an naisc atá ag an scoil le CLG Naomh Éanna a bhfuil an bláthú sin le feiceáil. Tá dlúthbhaint ag an scoil leis an chlub a thacaigh léi ón tús, nó thug an club talamh, leictreachas, teas agus a leithéid, nuair nach raibh ann ach fís. Tá Halla Pobail tógtha ar shuíomh na scoile, taobh leis na páirceanna iontacha atá acu, agus foirgneamh iontach ag an scoil chomh maith – de réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin.
Since the beginning of the journey back in 2004, the Gaelscoil and GAA club have been together every step of the way. At the outset, the club kindly donated the land, electricity, heating and much more. It was an investment that would eventually see both thrive. Since then, a new community hall has been built, state-of-the-art playing facilities added, as well as a new school building.
Tá ionchur nach beag ag tuismitheoirí agus daltaí na scoile ar shaol an chlub. Imríonn daltaí na Gaelscoile ar fhoirne an chlub, agus tá tuismitheoirí na scoile ar choistí nó ar fhoirne an chlub chomh maith. D’fhéadfaí a rá go bhfuil eachtaí an chlub le cúpla bliain anuas mar a bheadh síscéal ann. Bhí an bua ag Naomh Éanna ag leibhéal an chúige sa pheil agus san iománaíocht. Ní féidir a sheachaint ach gur eiseamláiri iontacha iad na himreoirí seo don aois óg agus go spreagfaidh a scéal glúin eile d’imreoirí.
Central to their continued success has been the input which parents and pupils of the Gaelscoil have within the club, whether that is in a playing capacity or in the administrative side of things. As for the GAA clubs itself, the past couple of years have been the stuff of fairy tales. When Naomh Éanna stumbled past St Paul’s in the opening round of the 2018 Antrim Intermediate Football Championship, few could have believed it was the start of a journey that would lead the club all the way to Croke Park. A county and provincial football title was followed 12 month later by their hurling equivalents, a remarkable double for any club to achieve.

Naomh Éanna players and supporters celebrate after winning the 2019 Ulster Club Intermediate Hurling Final.
Is fíor go mbeidh an scoil an-bhuíoch go deo de na tuismitheorí nó is iad a léirigh muinín sa scoil ó thús. Chreid ionadaithe an phobail, agus tuismitheoirí na ndaltaí sa Ghaeloideachas. Tá pobal láidir thart ar an scoil anois, pobal atá díograiseach agus tiománta i gcur chun cinn na Gaeilge agus an Ghaeloideachais sa cheantar. Is soiléir anois gurb í an scoil iontach seo a n-oidhreacht.
It is fair to say there is an obvious passion in the local community for the Irish language and Irish medium education. The faith of those parents and community representatives in the early days has created a lasting legacy for future generations.
Neart in ár lamhaibh, Fírinne in ár dteangthaibh, Glaine in ár gcroíthe.