Sports Inspire Award to showcase Young Sports Volunteers

IFA President Conrad Kirkwood, Ulster GAA President Oliver Galligan and Ulster Rugby President Gary Leslie launch the new Sports Inspire Awards Programme along with young volunteers from St Brigid’s GAA, Aquinas FA and Malone Rugby Football Club.
Ulster GAA, along with Ulster Rugby and the Irish FA, have launched a new and exciting volunteer recognition programme to showcase young people volunteering in sport.
The Sports Inspire Award was officially launched at St Brigid’s GAA, Belfast with representatives from the three associations. The Award aims to recognise outstanding youth volunteering in sport for young people aged 14-24 years old.
The Programme encourages young people interested in sport to get active in volunteering within their sports club. Volunteering opportunities in sport are very wide ranging including coaching, mentoring, fundraising, administration, pitch maintenance, match officials, stewarding and helping out with catering and events. The young volunteers are required to keep a record of their volunteering hours and will be recognised with the Sports Inspire Award on achieving 50, 100 and 200 hours.
A joint awards ceremony will be hosted in March 2022 to showcase the young volunteers and the impact they are making to their community through their sports club.
Speaking at the launch Ulster GAA President Oliver Galligan said, “The Sports Inspire Award gives us an opportunity to talk about what young people do within their clubs and within their communities; they are working hard behind the scenes in their clubs and hopefully in the years to come these people will go on not only to play but administer their clubs.”
IFA President Conrad Kirkwood said, “The Irish Football Association is delighted to partner with Ulster GAA and Ulster Rugby to deliver this new Sports Inspire Award to recognise the young people and the excellent volunteering work that they do.”
Ulster Rugby President Gary Leslie said, “The launch of the Sports Inspire Award will help to ensure the youth of today continue to be involved in clubs and their communities through volunteering. Afterall it is not just about playing, it’s about participating.”
The Sports Inspire Award is a prestigious award which young people can showcase on their UCAS applications, CVs and job applications. The Awards Programme aims to highlight the positive work young people are undertaking in their communities which also helps develops their skills and knowledge base, which will undoubtedly set them apart in applications and interviews. This Programme has great benefits both for the sports clubs involved and for the young volunteers participating.
For more information on getting involved and registering for the Sports Inspire Awards contact your Ulster GAA Volunteer Development and Policy Officer Sharon Haughey-Grimley at