Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Uladh

Gaeilge sa Chlub 2022 – 2023

July 25th, 2023

The Gaeilge sa Chlub (‘Irish in the Club’) scholarship scheme for adult learners of Irish is a joint Ulster GAA and Ulster University initiative, which aims to promote the use of Irish within clubs throughout Ulster by providing assistance to GAA members who sign up for a Diploma in Irish Language.

Comhthionscnamh idir CLG Uladh agus Ollscoil Uladh is ea scéim scoláireachtaí Gaeilge sa Chlub ar son fhoghlaimeoirí fásta na Gaeilge. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an fhiontar seo úsáid na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn i gclubanna ar fud Chúige Uladh agus cuidiú airgid a chur ar fáil do bhaill CLG a chláróidh le haghaidh an Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge.

“The continued success of this Ulster GAA and Ulster University collaboration provides support for GAA members and continues to be a fantastic pathway to a high level of proficiency in Irish.” said Ciaran McLaughlin, Ulster GAA President. “This partnership not only opens the door to third level education for many, but also allows GAA clubs to benefit from an increased awareness and promotion of Irish language.”

Ciaran Mac Lochlainn, Uachtarán Chomhairle Uladh: “Tugann rath leanúnach an chomhoibrithe seo idir CLG Uladh agus Ollscoil Uladh tacaíocht airgeadais do bhaill CLG agus leanann sé de bheith ina chonair iontach chuig ardleibhéal inniúlachta sa Ghaeilge. Ní hé amháin go n-osclaíonn an chomhpháirtíocht seo an doras chuig oideachas tríú leibhéal do bhaill CLG, ach tugann sé deis do chlubanna CLG leas a bhaint as feasacht mhéadaithe agus cur chun cinn na Gaeilge.”

This year saw our recipients engaging in a wide variety of activities and support for their club members in the promotion of the Irish language. Firstly, Many GAA members in Ulster acquire the language through the singing of Amhrán na bhFiann at games. Children in the Kildress Wolfe Tones club were learning Amhrán na bhFiann with Caoilfhinn, one of our recipients of the scholarship this year. This led to a choir of children performing our national anthem before a home club game in June. This was very well received within the club and the choir have been asked to continue with this for the remainder of home games. Club members have also asked the workshop to commence again in September and has created an interest within the club in general for an initiative around Irish traditional singing as Gaeilge. ‘Bailíonn brobh beart – A little gathers to a lot’.

I mbliana ghlac lucht faighte na scoláireachtaí páirt i réimse leathan gníomhaíochtaí agus thug siad tacaíocht do bhaill a gclubanna maidir le cur chun cinn na Gaeilge. Ar an chéad dul síos, faigheann go leor ball de chuid CLG i gCúige Uladh an teanga agus Amhrán na bhFiann á chanadh acu ag cluichí. Bhí páistí i gClub CLG de Bhulbh Tón Chill Dreasa ag foghlaim Amhrán na bhFiann le Caoilfhinn, duine a fuair an scoláireacht i mbliana. Dá bhrí seo, bhí cór páistí ag canadh ár n-amhráin náisiúnta roimh chluiche club baile i mí an Mheithimh. Glacadh go han-mhaith leis seo taobh istigh den chlub agus tá iarrtha ar an chór leanúint ar aghaidh leis seo don chuid eile de na cluichí baile. Tá iarrtha ag baill an chlub tús a chur leis an cheardlann arís i mí Mheán Fómhair agus tá suim acu taobh istigh den chlub i gcoitinne i dtionscnamh a bhaineann le hamhránaíocht thraidisiúnta na Gaeilge. Bailíonn brobh beart.

Furthermore, there are many opportunities to promote Gaeilge in the context of well-being initiatives. The Cumann Iománaíochta Chaoimhín Uí Loingsigh developed and delivered a heritage trail along the walking path at Kevin Lynch Park which outlines the history of the GAA in Dungiven, the history of hurling in Dungiven and the history of the Irish language in the area. All signage has been developed in Irish and English. Approximately 100 people use the walking path on a daily basis, which is really increasing exposure of the language to club members and beyond. An official launch of the heritage trail will take place at the end of July as part of the club’s annual hurling week.

Similarly, as part of their project, Gráinne and Mícheál in Craigbane GAC increased the Irish language around the club with the help of resources from Foras na Gaeilge. The strategic placing of these signs ensures that club members get as much exposure as possible to the language in the home of their club activity.

Ina theannta sin, tá go leor deiseanna ann chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn i gcomhthéacs tionscnaimh folláine. D’fhorbair agus sholáthraigh Cumann Iománaíochta Chaoimhín Uí Loingsigh rian oidhreachta ar an chosán siúlóide i bPáirc Chaoimhín Uí Loingsigh a thugann breac-chuntas ar stair CLG i nDún Geimhin, ar stair na hiomána i nDún Geimhin agus ar stair na Gaeilge sa cheantar. Forbraíodh na comharthaí ar fad i nGaeilge agus i mBéarla. Úsáideann thart ar 100 duine an cosán siúil ar bhonn laethúil, rud a chuireann go mór le nochtadh na teanga do bhaill an chlub agus do dhaoine níos faide i gcéin. Beidh seoladh oifigiúil na conaire oidhreachta ar siúl ag deireadh mhí Iúil mar chuid de sheachtain bhliantúil iomána an chlub. Mar an gcéanna, mar chuid dá dtionscadal, mhéadaigh Gráinne agus Mícheál i gCLG Naomh Seosamh ar an Charraig Bhán an Ghaeilge timpeall an chlub le cuidiú acmhainní ó Fhoras na Gaeilge. Cinntíonn suíomh straitéiseach na gcomharthaí seo go bhfaigheann baill an chlub a oiread airde agus is féidir ar an teanga sa bhaile agus gníomhaíochtaí club ar bun acu.

The life of a language is to live it. Beatha teanga í a labhairt. We need to create as many opportunities as possible for GAA members at club level to use Gaeilge in a social setting. Grace in Limavady Wolfhounds CLG held two pop-up Gaeltacht nights, in addition to ciorcal comhrá or conversation circle) initiatives. These created an interest in Gaeilge for visiting spectators and players and there is interest within the club to now make this a regular occurrence at matches. Often, exposure to the language in this way can create a demand for more formalised learning of the language. All of these initiatives have led to the planning of “Giota beag” classes within the club in the Autumn.

Beatha teanga í a labhairt. Caithfimid a oiread deiseanna agus is féidir a chruthú ar son bhaill CLG ar leibhéal na gclubanna chun an Ghaeilge a úsáid i suíomhanna sóisialta. Bhí dhá oíche preabGhaeltachta ar siúl ag Grace i gCLG na gCúnna, chomh maith le ciorcal comhrá. Chruthaigh siad seo suim sa Ghaeilge do lucht féachana agus imreoirí cuairte agus tá suim sa chlub anois é seo a dhéanamh go rialta ag cluichí. Is é an toradh a bhí ar na tionscnaimh seo go léir ná go bhfuil ranganna “Giota Beag” á bpleanáil sa chlub san Fhómhar.

Moreover, the use of Gaeilge is important on social media in the promotion of the language. Gaeilge sa Chlub recipient and Dungannon Thomas Clarkes club member, Tríona, organised and took part in an interview alongside the Irish Language and cultural officer for Edendork St Malachy’s in an interview with young supporters of both teams in Irish. This took place at half time between the two teams and was recorded on video for both clubs’ social media pages.

Tá úsáid na Gaeilge tábhachtach ar na meáin shóisialta maidir lecur chun cinn na teanga. D’eagraigh faighteoir de chuid Gaeilge sa Chlub agus ball de Chumann Thomáis Uí Chléirigh, Dún Geanainn, Tríona, agallamh i gcomhpháirt hoifigeach Gaeilge agus cultúir Éadan na d Torc, agallamh inár labhair siad, i nGaeilge, le lucht tacaíochta óg an dá fhoireann. Tharla sé seo ag leath ama idir an dá fhoireann agus rinneadh é a thaifeadadh ar fhíseán faoi choinne leathanaigh an dá chlub ar na meáin shóisialta.

Tríona highlighted: “I wanted to show that we are passionate about promoting the language throughout the community and the club. It was also good that we were able to come together with our neighbouring club and work together to promote the language. It has also given myself and the young participants more confidence in speaking the language publicly.

“As we are in the process of opening a new community club-house I have been working closely with other members of the committee to ensure all signage is bilingual we also intend to incorporate the language at all key events, matches etc. A lot of our underage teams are made up from pupils who attend/attended the Gaelscoil and Scoil Iósaef so we have a fantastic base in which we can grow and develop the language within our club.”

Lastly, Stephen in East Belfast GAA understood the importance of creating a fun and social environment in providing an environment for learning as part of his project. Useful books and visual learning aids were handed out around tables in social settings to create a relaxed learning environment.

Notably, In May, he and others arranged for East Belfast GAA hurlers to take part in a Gaelic Bus Tour of East Belfast to learn about the Irish roots to the names of town lands and place they live. After this, they toured the ‘Turas’ library and heard about their work teaching Irish in the area. This was very inspiring for the team to hear. They continued with a workshop where members learned various phrases and words to use at matches and training.

Ar deireadh, thuig Stephen i gCLG Oirthear Bhéal Feirste an tábhacht a bhaineann le timpeallacht spraíúil agus shóisialta a chruthú chun timpeallacht foghlama a sholáthar mar chuid dá thionscadal. Chuir sé leabhair úsáideacha agus áiseanna foghlama amhairc ar fáil timpeall na dtáblaí i suíomhanna sóisialta chun timpeallacht foghlama neamhfhoirmiúil a chruthú.

I mí na Bealtaine, go háirithe, shocraigh sé féin agus daoine eile go nglacfadh iománaithe CLG Oirthear Bhéal Feirste páirt i gCamchuairt Bus Gaeilge thart ar Oirthear Bhéal Feirste le foghlaim faoi fhréamhacha Gaeilgeainmneacha na mbailte fearainn agus na n-áiteanna ina gcónaíonn siad. Ina dhiaidh sin, thug siad cuairt ar leabharlann Turas agus chuala siad faoina gcuid oibre ag múineadh Gaeilge sa cheantar. Ba mhór an spreagadh é don fhoireann seo a chloisteáil. Lean siad le ceardlann inar fhoghlaim na baill frásaí agus focail éagsúla le húsáid ag cluichí agus ag an traenáil.

In relation to the project, Stephen said: “As a new club in an area traditionally seen as a Unionist area, it was an important opportunity to highlight that all cultures have their place and should be given space to flourish where possible. Many people had some knowledge of Irish but were not sure if others did or if it was ok to speak it openly. This project gave us the chance to come together and showcase what we knew about the language, and our local area, as well as share stories of having been to the Gaeltacht in the past. It opened the debate about what Irish language means to one another and was inspiring for people from backgrounds that had not learned Irish in school. East Belfast has an emerging, vibrant Irish language culture, hopefully, this project has encouraged members to explore options for new learning opportunities.”

Maith iad go léir! Well done to them and indeed all of our Gaeilge sa Chlub recipients in 2022/23. They have acted as great leaders within their clubs in the promotion of our language and laid great foundations for the continued promotion of the language. Tús maith leath na hoibre agus de réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin!

The Diploma in the Irish language is an exciting opportunity to study the Irish language from beginner level in a structured and formal way with expert tutors. Completion of the course will ensure that students will be able to understand, speak and write Irish in their everyday life or in their professional life, whilst being equipped to continue to degree level study. Deis iontach atá ann.

Applications are now live for the Gaeilge sa Chlub scheme for 2023/24. Tá iarratais beo anois. Apply here or email for more information.

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