Gaelic Training for Tyrone Teaching staff
Tyrone DENI Coaches Stephen Beattie and Ryan Daly have recently organised and delivered a very successful in-service training day for teachers and classroom assistants in St. Marys Primary School Killyclogher.
St. Marys used this as a school development day which allowed for full attendance of all staff and no distractions. There were 30 members of staff in attendance and a very enjoyable productive day had by all.
The morning session was focussed on various warm up activities from spacial awareness movement warm ups to fun tag style activities and role play games such as pirate ship. After a brief coffee break it was the teachers turn to deliver games for handling, kicking and striking activities to develop skills in these areas. This was planned and delivered through group activities and was facilitated by the two DENI coaches.
The remainder of the training day was focussed on Curriculum Links which has been the DENI coach’s latest focus in schools. This area of focus has been designed to help teachers support children’s learning in a different environment and relate class based activities into the sports hall and make them become alive, the key to this is making the games physically active.
The Curriculum work turned out to be the highlight of the day; all teachers loved this theory and thought this process would support their teaching immensely. The Curriculum work also allowed for great feedback from teachers working with various ability groups in order to progress and change games to suit all in terms of entry point and capabilities.