Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Uladh


Live to Play Wall in Fermanagh

January 31st, 2012

St Ronan’s P.S. in Lisnaskea has embraced the Live to Play colouring competition being run at present by Ulster GAA.

Ulster Camogie Convention

January 31st, 2012

On Sunday 22nd January, Ulster Camogie held their Annual Convention in the Ulster GAA offices in Armagh. With a good

Camogie Capital Funding Scheme

January 31st, 2012

Four Camogie clubs in Ulster were successful in receiving €9,000 in funding for from the Cumann Camogaíochta Capital Funding programme

All Ireland Club Camogie Semi Finals

January 31st, 2012

Loughgiel Shamrocks play Oulart the Ballagh of Wexford in the All-Ireland Senior Semi-Final on Sunday 5th February at 2.30pm in

Minister O’Dowd attends Conference

January 30th, 2012

Minister for Education John O’Dowd was the keynote speaker at the O’Neills Ulster GAA Coaching and Games Conference held in

Tyrone Power to Victory

January 30th, 2012

Power NI Dr McKenna Cup Final: Tyrone 1-14 Derry 2-8 Tyrone claimed their first Power NI Dr McKenna Cup title

2011 Ulster Club All Stars

January 27th, 2012

The brightest stars of the 2011 Ulster Club Championships gathered this week for the presentation of the first annual Gaelic

GAA Stars, Seen by Cars!

January 25th, 2012

Ulster GAA, through it’s Live to Play programme, is promoting a ‘visibility’ message to young members throughout the winter period.

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