St Joseph’s run LTP Competition
St. Joseph’s Coalisland recently held a Live to Play poster competition for their Year 9 pupils. The competition was the brainchild of MVRUS teacher Gerard Scott, who linked with the school’s Art Department to encourage involvement from the pupils.
Live to Play is Ulster GAA’s Road Safety programme, undertaken with the aim of reducing the numbers killed and seriously injured on the roads and to raise awareness among members of the dangers therein. The programme has been running in Tyrone for 2 years now with numerous Club education events having taken place.
Mr Scott explained, “Like most schools we in St Josephs have lost a number of pupils over the years to the carnage on the roads. We have also lost a number of ex-pupils who had only left a year or so. When the GAA launched their ‘Live to play’ campaign I thought it was inspirational and wanted to do something to support it”.
The Year 9s were the chosen group and when they were shown the jersey and had the competition explained they set about it enthusiastically. The joint runners up were Kya Marie Murray and Eoin Robinson and the overall winner was Shane Cushnahan.
The successful pupils are pictured wearing their prizes, Live to Play jerseys, with Tyrone Live to Play co-ordinator Cuthbert Donnelly and their teachers.