Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Uladh


Ulster’s U16 Elite take on Dublin

August 3rd, 2016

Following on from the Ulster Elite Camp in July, a team of the best U-16 football players in the Province took on a team from Dublin on Tuesday August 2 at Pairc Esler Stadium in Newry.

Cúrsa Cuimhneacháin Shéamuis de Faoite 2016

July 27th, 2016

Bhí an 28ú Cúrsa Cuimhneacháin Shéamuis de Faoite ar siúl sna Dúnaibh ón 18ú go dtí an 22 Iúil. Tá an chúrsa urraithe ag Comhairle Uladh den CLG agus i mbliana bhí an slua is mó ar feadh tamaill le 125 cláraithe.

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