Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Uladh

Access NI

In line with Legislation requirements and Association Rules, all persons working with children, young people, vulnerable groups or adults at risk in a voluntary or paid capacity, must be appropriately vetted and adequately trained prior to commencing their role. Those who are involved in the management of individuals appointed to work with your members in your club must also be vetted.

Vetting is carried out by AccessNI through Ulster GAA for those involved in clubs in Antrim, Armagh, Derry, Down, Fermanagh and Tyrone, where they return criminal history information on the applicant. This enables Ulster GAA to make more informed recruitment decisions in relation to the suitability of the applicant for the role. Ulster GAA process applications for vetting checks free of charge, for our Volunteers at a clubs request and and the vetting acceptance covers members for roles within the six counties in Ulster.

We remind all clubs that they should not permit anyone to work with their children, young people, vulnerable groups or adults at risk in the Club until they have been suitably Vetted, adequately trained and approved for their role. The simple process is as follows:

  1. Applicant fills out the Online Application Form via NI Direct . Please note that the Ulster GAA Pin required is 540101. 
  2. Applicant uploads ID Documents to their Foireann account. click here for more info
  3. Club Children’s Officer verifies Applicant ID Documents on Foireann. click here for more info
  4. Ulster GAA approve the form and the ID and send to Access NI
  5. Access NI Process the form and issue the Disclosure Certificate directly to the applicant
  6. Ulster GAA write to the applicant to confirm their vetting acceptance, this is updated on your Foireann profile and your club secretary receives a copy of your acceptance letter via email.
  7. If there is information on your Certificate, Ulster GAA will write out to you requesting sight of the certificate in hard copy in its original form, it is vital that you send this on as soon as possible.
  8. Ulster GAA risk assess all Enhanced Disclosure Certificates that contain information, where there are areas of concern, we will contact the applicant directly and meet with them to discuss before any decision with regard to their suitability for the position applied is made.
  9. Where required, Ulster GAA will meet with club officers to discuss any areas of concern.
    Applicants have the right to appeal any decision made by Ulster GAA in relation to their suitability for the position applied.
  10. Acceptance letters are valid for three years from the date of completion at which stage they must then be renewed by submitting a new application.
  11. You will receive a reminder email when your Access NI Application is due to expire.

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