Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Uladh


Council Officers/Oifigigh na Comhairle

Here we have included profiles for the Officers of the Ulster Council. Tá próifíl na n-oifigeach le fáil anseo.

County Representatives/Ionadaithe na gContaetha

Each County in Ulster has two representatives to the Ulster Council. You can view the contact information for these representatives here. Féach ionadaithe na gcontaetha agus a gcuid sonraí anseo.


The Ulster Council has a number of committees that deal with various issues. You can view all the committees  here. Féach Coiste Bainistíochta na Comhairle anseo.

Senior Staff/Foireann Sinsir

Want to put a face to a name? This section has profiles of all our senior staff. Cuirfear aithne ar fhoireann CLG Uladh sa roinn seo.

Annual Reports/Tuarascála Bliantúla

In this section we will keep an archive of the President’s and Secretary’s Annual Reports to the Ulster Convention. Cuirfear tuarascála Uladh ar fáil sa roinn seo.

Strategic Plans/Plean Straitéiseach

In this section we have included the Strategic Plans for the Ulster Council as well as various Ulster Counties and Cumann na mBunscoil. Tá plean straitéiseach de chuid na Comhairle agus de chuid na gcontaetha le fáil anseo.

Jobs/Folúntas Poist

If we have any positions available, they will be advertised here. Cuirfear poist in airde anseo dóibh siúd a bhfuil suim acu post a fháil le CLG Uladh.


Have a look here if your company is interested in corporate sponsorship with Ulster GAA. Más spéis leat bheith ag comhoibriú linn, tá eolas ar fáil anseo.

Volunteering/Oibriú go Deonach

Are you interested in volunteering with Ulster GAA? Have a look here for more information. Tá eolas anseo dóibh siúd a bhfuil suim acu bheith ina n-oibrithe deonacha.

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